My Best Friend

Nothing beats the ecstasy of having a kitty friend. The bond you can forge with them and the playful moments you can have together makes their company wholesome. However, their spraying habit can be overly irritating to drive you over the edge. Most cats learn to stop spraying after some resilient training, but some just don’t cut out. It becomes a habit, and they would do it wherever they find it convenient.

If you’re facing this predicament with your cat, it’s apparent that you’re annoyed with your cat’s spraying smell and you’ve thought of giving them up at some point. While it gives you instant relief of foul urine smells in your house, it won’t be feasible if it means having to abandon them and forgoing all the memories you’ve made. Instead, there are other workable techniques on how to stop a cat from spraying.

When Do Cats Start Spraying

Identifying what is keeping the cat away from the litter is usually a big step in stopping the spraying of cats. Cats are very nervous and can react faster to any form of fear. You may be taking a lot of time thinking about how to stop your cat from spraying in the house. The main problem might be the various factors that are keeping the cats from using the litter box. A dirty box, inappropriate soiling, or infections might be keeping the cats from peeing in the litter box.

General fear may also be keeping the cats away from the litter box. The fear may result from traumatic or unpleasant experiences, as cats have good memories. Therefore to prevent the cats from spraying in the house, you need to provide conducive conditions for the litter box. The following are ways you can use to help the cat overcome its fears of the litter box;

● Consider incorporating some positive reinforcement like petting and treats for the litter box. The reinforcements will help the cat relax in the room you have located the litter box.

● Choose a suitable place for the litter box. The location should be away from the place where the cats drink or have their meals.

● You can use attractants to lure your cats into the litter box because the attractants are usually helpful in overcoming the fears the cats may be having.

● When getting a new litter box, you need to ensure it has similar features to the previous litter box. Some of the new features might be having something frightening the cat from using the litter box.

● Additionally, it’ll be good to place the litter box in a private place to attract the cat to the litter box. The place should be in a warm and well-lit area; this will make the cat use the litter box more often.

● If you’ve got a new cat in the house it’ll be good always to accompany it to the litter box to stop it spraying anywhere in the house. Accompanying it to the litter box will help the cat feel more secure.

It’s good to avoid punishing your cat for spraying in inappropriate places or rugs. The reason being you’ll only make it worse as the cat will become more nervous and won’t use the litter box again in the future. Thus, having patience and showing the cat kindness will help it gain confidence and use the litter box.

There’s now a solution that makes your cat ALWAYS pee in its litter box.

It’s called “Cat Spraying No More” and it’s been proven to work. Check out the link below to discover methods to help your feline best friend.