Cat Urine Removal Tips

Cat urine has a strong ammonia nature that produces an irritating smell; thus, everyone will become uncomfortable in the house after a cat sprays in an inappropriate place. Due to osmosis, even when the cat sprays in a relatively small area, the smell will affect the whole house. Therefore, it’ll be important to locate the place immediately and clean it appropriately once you notice the smell of the urine.

It’s important to take necessary measures to remove the urine well, as this will help prevent the cat from thinking of spraying in that particular location. In addition, it’s also good to remove the urine well to prevent any uncomfortable smell from the spot. The following are important cat urine removal tips you should consider when removing the cat urine from surfaces such as walls, carpets, and furniture:

● You’ll need to wipe the cat’s urine from the hard surfaces using a paper towel. More so, you can also use the same paper towel to blot the urine in rugs or furniture. Health experts always advise that you shouldn’t use clothes unless you don’t intend to use them later.

● Use an enzyme cleaner to clean the urine from surfaces. It’s always good to use enzyme cleaners because it will help break down uric acid in the urine to ammonia and carbon dioxide. They simply off gas to the environment naturally.

● After cleaning doesn’t fasten to dry the surface you have removed the urine from. You’ll need to allow a sufficient time for the surface to dry; this allows for the dissipation of the carbon dioxide and ammonia at the required rate.

● When choosing the enzyme cleaners, avoid low-quality and regular cleaners. The reason being low quality and regular cleaners aren’t effective; thus, you’ll have to clean the surface regularly to remove the stains and odor.

● Using the right concentration of enzyme cleaners will also be essential for removing the urine completely. For more effectiveness, it’ll be good to leave the surface to dry naturally after cleaning. A quarter an hour will be enough for the surface to dry naturally.

Experts always advise you to use the same procedure for the cat urine removal from carpets and other furniture in the house or homes. To learn more about cleaning and methods you can do to have a stronger relationship with your best little friend check out the link below!